What This Week •• Jan 29-Feb 4, 2023
Coming off the heels of a short work week, I’m back to my regular busy schedule with lots of interviews and assignments. Some of that might be on me for scheduling six interviews in the middle of three deadlines but we’ll ignore that.
I’m trying to get back into some habits I let slide when things get busy and I’m tired. The first thing that goes out the window is somehow always brushing my teeth in the evening. Then I’ll start cutting down on my skincare, getting on my phone instead of journaling and doing devotions. I don’t like that I do it.
I’d really like to make a genuine effort with getting back into a healthy routine that’s good for me.
📚 what i’m reading ~
I finished The Illuminated by Anindita Ghose, my last read of January and a review book for work. It’s sort of a mini generational story, something I realized I enjoy reading about after loving Pachinko last year. It also ties into an unintended continuation of me consuming stories that look at grief through different lenses.
Starting February, I have my first buddy read in awhile. Jemi and I are buddy reading for the first time because I need someone to talk to about a couple of the romance titles I’m reading for work.
We’ve started with Loathe to Love You by Ali Hazelwood, and by that I mean she’s on track and I’m catching up. You’d think that being 13 hours ahead would mean I can keep up but the answer is no. At least with short stories like this, I don’t have to track as many things while reading and can refer back to the messages I send her.
If I manage to finish it by tomorrow like I’m supposed to, I’ll be starting A Venom Dark And Sweet by Judy I. Lin, which means I'll be finishing a duology in a timely manner. How strange for me. The good thing about finishing it so close to the first book is that everything is still fresh in my mind and it'll be easier to get the review pre-written for April.
📺 what i’m watching ~
My mom started watching Through the Darkness, a K-drama about the origins of the Behavioral Analysis Team in Korea. It's basically like Mindhunter but takes place almost 20 years later, starting in the mid-1990s. I watched about half of it with her but I think I'll restart it on my own to see the episodes I didn't watch either because I was at work or asleep when she watched them.
During my lunch breaks, I've decided to continue my rewatch of Criminal Minds yesterday. This is probably the longest I've gone without watching the show with some form of regularity but I'm back at it and working my way through until I get to the new season. I'm nervous about eventually getting to the reboot even though it's not really a reboot. But I can worry about that when I get closer to the original finale.
🎵 what i’m listening to ~
I started a new true crime podcast now that I'm up to date with Buried Bones. This new one is Murdaugh Murders Podcast, a real ongoing case being reported by the investigative journalist who broke the case and has been reporting on it for the last few years. It's really cool to hear a podcast from a current journalist about their investigative work. As someone who has been interested in the field and has dabbled a little bit at work, listening to the podcast is simultaneously entertaining and educational.
👩🏻 what i’m looking forward to
Another free weekend without work! I was very happily spending my time last weekend playing Don't Starve Together and realizing that I've forgotten so much of it. I'd like to log a few more hours there this weekend to remind me how to be good at the game. Well..as good as I can get since I was never very proficient at surviving the game's world.
I'm taking a day off in the middle of next week because my Bokstagram friend Lillian is coming to Singapore! We're planning to have lunch and spend the afternoon together, probably running around to different indie bookstores or just hanging out somewhere air-conditioned. She'll be the second Bookstagram friend I've met and I'm really looking forward to hanging out with her!
That's all for this week! I hope you're having a good day, night, week, weekend or whenever you're reading this.